
Our mission:

Fermentorskab aims to spread the skill of fermentation and thereby help grow sustainable food practices. In community, we explore ways to make ferments from scratch, reducing waste and using local seasonal ingredients. We then share this knowledge with the local community, raising awareness of the easily accessible magic of fermentation, through workshops and more.

Sustainable food practices: Fermentation is an accessible way to preserve food and reduce waste associated. In our group, we explore how to make all steps in our cooking sustainable. For example, we try to source ingredients for our ferments locally (by foraging or going to a farmer’s market) and reuse what resources we can in the process (such as food scraps or old jam jars) to reduce overproduction and overconsumption.

Co-created shared meals: Fermentorskab hosts weekly gatherings where members collaboratively learn the art of fermentation while sharing their knowledge and experiences. This creates a space for both beginners and experienced fermentors to participate. It teaches us to see each other as resources in a collective font of knowledge, and ourselves as full of gifts to give.

Mindset of slow living: Fermentation is not just about food; it’s about adopting a mindset of slow living and appreciating natural cycles. This practice encourages individuals to slow down, reduce the rush of modern culture, and follow the natural rhythms of growth and decay.

Kinship with the more-than-human world: the microbes we cultivate are members of our collective, and we practice seeing the world as an ecosystem that does not revolve around humans. We coevolved with bacteria, and they can help us clean up our mess. Rebuild a web of coevolved relationship

Our history:

In September 2023, at a community crowdfunding event, Aarhus Soup, Sarafina McPherson Kimø pitched the idea of Fermentorskab and won ~3000 kr to get started! This money has funded our equipment and ingredients for the first many gatherings, and now we have a handful of active members. Our ongoing activities are supported by a yearly membership fee. Interested in becoming a member? Learn more.

Curious about the origins of Fermentorskab? Check out this video from before Aarhus Soup, where Sarafina first pitched the idea for the project!

How to find us:

Fermentorskab is located in K area in Institut for (x). To find us, search ‘UAC’ in Google Maps. K area is a group of containers. The entrance to the kitchen is on the side of the train tracks and marked by a large K.


We are currently collaborating with other groups to create events that reach a broader audience (see our series of events: Story Kitchen, which are co-arranged together with a professional storyteller, Sara Domingo Brauner).

Fermentorskab is based in UAC (Useful Art for Communities) and it therefore draws on the resources of many creative individuals involved in local community initiatives.

Let us know if you would like to collaborate in spreading the joy of fermentation. Simply write to sarafinakimo@gmail.com.

Stay up to date on our activities by joining our Facebook group, and/or following Fermentorskab on Facebook or Instagram.

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